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 Hard Value Fund - R dist.  


Hard Value Fund

Use of quantitative Models

Use of quantitative Models

Stock elite

Use of quantitative Models

Use of quantitative Models

Financial Sustainability

Financial Sustainability

When it comes to building or expanding your wealth, we don't want to get involved in experiments. We pursue a serious investment strategy and focus on conservative stocks. The Hard Value Fund brings together an elite group of equities which, according to our analyses, meet all the criteria for financial sustainability. In this way, we aim to optimize investment performance and achieve a sustainable balance, even in volatile markets.

Criteria of our stock elite

Criteria of our stock elite

Conservative investing means relying on what has proven itself. In our Hard Value Fund R dist. (ISIN: DE000A3D1ZP1), only assets that have a business model proven over years or decades make the cut. Only established companies with long-term strategies, outstanding products or brands, and experienced management even qualify to be analyzed by our team. We scrutinize the business model, management, market capitalization, cash flow, debt level, debt management, and dividend track record, to name just a few of our stringent criteria. Each asset must overcome high hurdles in our quantitative and qualitative analyses to be listed in the Hard Value Fund. After all, it's about your sustainable returns. We don't compromise on that.



Stand: 30.08.2024. Die Aufteilung variiert im Laufe der Zeit.

In der Vergangenheit erzielte Ergebnisse stellen keine Garantie für die künftige Wertentwicklung da.

Bekannt aus:

Portrait Patrick Grewe

Patrick Grewe

Asset Manager

“With the Hard Value Fund portfolio, you participate in high-yield and profitable companies that currently have a favourable valuation and where we see attractive potential.”

Our philosophy

Our philosophy

When it comes to your financial sustainability, there are no limits for us. Precisely because only a few titles make it into our funds, we search worldwide across all industries and sectors for the stock elite.


Whether it's green technologies, pharmaceuticals, food, fossil fuels, ecological business models, defense industries, consumer goods, etc. - the only thing that matters are our strict criteria of financial sustainability. Our requirements and standards are so high that we cannot restrict ourselves to any specific industries, sectors, or countries.


The Hard Value Fund R dist. (ISIN: DE000A3D1ZP1) is not an ideology fund, yet we still adhere to a conservative ideology. The Hard Value Fund is also not a thematic fund, but we are driven by one theme: your financial sustainability.

Key Facts of the Hard Value Fund

Name des Fonds
Hard Value Fund
Walter Ludwig GmbH Wertpapierhandelsbank
IPConcept (Luxemburg) S.A.
Aktienfonds, Welt, OGAW
Ausschüttung, jährlich
Risikoindikator (SRI 1-7)
Teilfreistellung InvStG
30% der Erträge

Siehe für eine Erläuterung von Begriffen . Die Angabe der Laufenden Kosten und des Risikoindikators basiert auf Schätzungen, da noch kein vollständig abgelaufenes Geschäftsjahr für den Fonds vorliegt; der Wert kann im Laufe der Zeit variieren. Die steuerliche Behandlung von Erträgen hängt von Ihren persönlichen Verhältnissen ab und kann künftig Änderungen unterworfen sein. Wegen weiterer Einzelheiten wird auf den Verkaufsprospekt und das Basisinformationsblatt (KID) verwiesen, die von dieser Internetseite heruntergeladen werden können.